Welcome to our website.
The Golden Gate Chapter of the Vintage Volkswagen Club of America is open to anyone with an interest in air-cooled Volkswagens.
Ownership of a VW is not a prerequisite. Since we are a subgroup of the Vintage Volkswagen Club Of America, it is recommended that you also become a member of the National VVWCA. Membership in the VVWCA is now FREE. Please join us. http://vvwca.com/
Even though you may not have a 'vintage' VW yet, we encourage and welcome you to join our Chapter. You will learn about older VW's through our knowledgeable members, reading our newsletter, and attending our meetings and shows.
Club meetings are held once a month at Giovanni's Pizzeria in Sunnyvale. Next monthly meeting is 8 pm Friday March 7th.
Join Our Email List for occasional announcements: ggcvvwca@gmail.com
New The Golden Gate Gazette out now! Oct-Dec 2023
Historical note, May 7th 2025 will be the 45th anniversary of the Golden Gate Chapter.
Send us pictures of your hidden treasures for all to enjoy.
Please include a brief description and year. ggcvvwca@gmail.com
Club Business
Jan,Feb,March2019 - Last printed and mailed version of Gazette - next will be online only TBA
New Swap page
General Questions: ggcvvwca@gmail.com
Join Our Email List for occasional announcements: ggcvvwca@gmail.com
All members are encouraged to officially join the national chapter of the Vintage Volkswagen Club of America. The VVWCA is now FREE.